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We’ll run a credit check when you place an order to sign up to a plan with us.

When assessing applications, we rely on information from a number of sources, including the information you provide to us and the information received from credit reporting bodies, Illion or Equifax. Our decision may be because you or the business you applied on behalf of, don’t meet our current credit criteria.

It may also be partly or wholly based on the credit information we received from Illion or Equifax.

You can obtain the credit eligibility information held about you from the credit reporting bodies within 90 days free of charge using these contact details.

Illion (formally Dun & Bradstreet)

1300 734 806 (personal)
13 23 33 (business)
8.30am – 5.30pm AEST (Monday – Friday)

Equifax (formally Veda Advantage)

138 332 (personal)
1300 921 621 (business)
8.30am – 5.00pm AEST (Monday – Friday)

If you think that we may have failed to comply with Division 3 of Part IIIA of the Privacy Act or the Credit Reporting Code, you can make a complaint. This is all in accordance with our credit-related personal information management policy.

If your order is declined, you could join us on a Vodafone prepaid service click here to find out more.



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